Some documentation on MetaBoard, a framework for building board games.
Slide presentation here.
The underlying design metaphor is the following scene. There is a board (made of a material layer of things and immaterial layer of data) on a table, players sitting around and a director standing. He says 'play' successively to them and, as a consequence, they according to their thoughts (play-conditions) modify other players' thoughts saying things to them and modify the board with their hands.
All framework classes are prefixed with 'BG'. What follows is some info on main classes, for more detail see respective class comments.
knowledge of game board, composed by its
there are two types, those that can't be moved over the board but just placed/displaced (aBGSteadyContent, known by each BGBoardPlace that made aBGBoardSpace) and those that can (aBGMovableContent, stored in variable movableContents which is expected to be a dictionary with associations 'movableName' -> aBGMovableContent)
on which it shows
knowledge of a rectangular board space, composed by many BoardPlace
knowledge of board content, there are two types, those that can't be moved over the board but just placed/displaced (BGSteadyContent) and those that can (BGMovableContent)
it holds on variable 'showSelector' a selector symbol to plug showing behaviour, this is initialized with method defaultShowSelector
knowledge of game data that doesn't belong to any particular object (like lives, points, ... ), knows its display and notifies it on change
has two responsibilities
-action of modifying some of these : director's board (aBGBoard), director's data (aBGData), its own/other players' (BGPlayer) play-conditions (=knowledge that alters how aBGPlayer behaves when receiving #play msg, it can be any object) beacause of two possible reasons
1) when receiving #play it modifies some of the previous accordingly to collaboration with its play-conditions which are obtained statically/dinamically (kept in instance variables/return of a msg)
('conditioning' group is to hold methods that alters play-conditions)
the highest priority play-condition is aBGPlayState in instance variable 'playState', so when receiving #play one of the four methods at group 'playing-main' will be executed
('playing-actions' is to group all other playing action methods)
2) as a result of doing some work related to its playing purpose (done not because receiving msg #play but other msg) (ej aLevelChanger also understands #goToLevel, aPieceMover also understands #undoMove and keeps necessary knowledge)
also to support the previous modifications he knows its BGDirector in instance variable 'director' and has some shortcut methods to accessing to his knowledge ('accessing-director' group)
-tells the player that should play afiter him (#nextPlayer)
action of directing game flow (to run the game send 'BGDirector new play'), to do this he
1°) initialize and holds the knowledge of the things that made up the board game playing :
- the board (aBGBoard at variable 'board')
- the players (a dictionary of associations 'playerName' -> aBGPlayer , at variable 'players')
- the data (aBGData, at variable 'data')
- the user-interface (aBGUserInterface, at variable 'gameUI')
2°) his #unpausedPlay method consists in a loop of :
find which player should play next (first player is 'human', following ones are obtained sending #nextPlayer to last playing one) and send him #play
3°) is responsible for menu (showing it and doing its actions, at group 'input-menu') and for reacting to user closing the game's window
under group 'constants' there are methods overridable by subclasses to configure framework default behaviour, in particular subclasses should always consider #gameName, #millisecondsBetweenLoops and #settingsClass
these same feature occurs in other framework classes under 'constants' method group
action of interacting with the user handling input and showing the game board and data (aBGBoard +a BGData),
it's composed by aBGBoardDisplay (at 'boardDisplay') and aBGDataDisplay (at 'dataDisplay') to which it delegates,
also knows game director (aBGDirector) and window wrapping around itself
Concrete game's classes share a common prefix. To download examples see DOWNLOAD section.
To run example games, send
BGDirector gameMenu.
Alternatively to run them from each game's director, send
PacManGame new play.
SokobanGame new play.
TetrisGame new play.
SnakeGame new play.
SameColorGame new play.
MinesGame new play.
To implement a game with the framework a possible work flow is
1) define game's director player (subclass of BGDirector) and then define/implement successively what is needed in each msg sent from within BGDirector's msg #initialize (look at example games implementation)
2) run game sending 'BGDirectorSubclass new play' and adjust details according debug windows
3) add enhancements
You can install configuration MetaBoard from Configuration Browser on 3.0 and 4.0 . This will download packages of framework (MetaBoard) and example games (BgBoxPush, BgEatBullet, BgDropPiece, BgEatElongating, BgSameColor, BgMines)
If you like to send any feedback comments on design / names / implementation / functionalities to add / questions you can add a comment below / mail me at laura(dot)risani(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thanks for you valuable feedback to people on the pharo-users list: stepharo , nacho, olivier auverlot , kilon alios, Ben Coman
-project name is now 'MetaBoard', previoulsy was 'MetaBorg'
-menu does not pause game
-enhanced looks of Sokoban and Pacman
-added method group 'decoding' at BGMovableDisplay and BGPlaceDisplay to support storing images as constant string methods
-framework's package name is now 'MetaBorg', previoulsy to this update was 'BgBoardician'
>> 28/05/15
-added game BgMines
-moved work 'user pointing at a position on the board' from game level (BgMines, BgSameColor) to framework level, to do so refactored BGHuman and its subclasses
-to support dual arrow-keyboard pointing, added at BGHuman method groups 'playing-pointer' 'playing-keys', BGPointer class, added this dual support to games BgMines, BgSameColor
-redesigned the menu
-displaying the menu pauses the game
-recategorized methods
-updated BGDirector subclasses #gameName
-added BGDirector>>gameMenu
-added BGBoard class>>#from:aString (+supporting methods at groups 'instantiation' and 'builders') to build a board from a string
-add BGDirector>>#replaceBoard:aBGBoard (and supporting methods at group 'input/output') to once displaying a board, display a new one with different dimensions (this implies changing the gameUI for a new one)
-added levels 1 to 5 builded from strings
-deleted class BPBoardSpace
>> 08/04/2015
package names to real game names
BGBoardContent to BGBoardItem
BGMovableContent to BGMovableItem,
BGNoContent to BGNoItem,
BGSteadyContent to BGSteadyItem,
BGContentImposible to BGItemImposible
BGBoardSubclass to BGBoardClass (and all alike in 'constants' group)
-replaced #class sends
-CRC styled the comments
-changed 'settings class' by 'class variables + settings builder method (on class side)'
-added catalog class side methods
new Configuration uploaded
-framework and game examples : added comments to all classes, no 'as yet unclassified', ran code critics, added 'about' menu entry
-game examples: removed EMonsterMover subclasses (extended it and modified PacManGame>>#initializePlayers accordingly), changed BGDirector subclasses names to meaningful ones (see DOWNLOAD section for current msgs to run example games)
-added menu entries: logScore, show/clearScores, about, and methods for them
-moved UI methods to BGUserInterface, instead of sending 'self inform: / request:'
-implemented SameColor game on package BgSameColor